Get in touch
Call 086 664 2752 or use the contact form below
Get in touch
Call 086 664 2752 or use the contact form below
Adhara Counselling is located in Tallaght, Dublin 24​
Please use this form to get in contact, I will do my best to respond by email or text within 3 working days
If you are feeling acutely unwell and need to speak to someone urgently please contact your local A&E department.
Samaritans Ireland: Call 116 123

Useful Mental Health Websites and Resources​
Useful Mental Health Websites and Resources​
www.iacp.ie - Irish association of counsellors and psychotherapists​
www.samaritans.org - A charity aimed a providing emotional support 24/7 to anyone in emotional distress
www.drcc.ie -,Dublin Rape Crisis Centre with a national helpline number.
www.jigsaw.ie - National centre for youth mental health in Ireland, offering advice and support to people aged 12-25
www.mentalhealthireland.ie - National charity, promoting positive mental health and wellbeing for individuals and communities